The RBNA would value your membership and appreciate a contribution to its funds. To take either or both actions, simply print out and complete the form below then post to:
The Royal British Nurses' Association
Cricket Green Medical Centre, 75 - 79 Miles Road, Micham, Greater London CR4 3DA
Telephone: 020 8685 1945 (Thursdays 10am - 3:30pm)


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Name ............................................................................................................
Address .........................................................................................................
.............................................................................. Postcode ........................
R.G.N. ............................................................. Membership fee £10 per Annum
I wish to make a donation to/become a member of the RBNA and enclose the sum of £  .........
  (Delete as appropriate)
  Please make cheques payable to 'RBNA'

Aubrey Rose CBE OBE D Univ, President RBNA
Miss H M Campbell SRN SCM, Vice President
Miss M P McCabe SRN SCM, Hon Secretary
Dr. S. Kirby RGN, Executive Co-ordinator
Miss P McQueen SRN SCM  Mrs G Nwodili SRN SCM Ba RGN  Miss P Selfe BSc Hons RGN
Miss L deSilva SRN SCM  Mrs C Goodridge-Felce SRN SCM  Miss Y John SRN RT